Its been a great year..
so many memories here n there..
both good n bad..
better then 2006.
a year i don even wanna mention..
Got a new hobby..
had so many performance here n there..
went to places i've been n never been to..
made so many new friends..
n yeah..
so many..many..problems..
but whats life without them right..
Femme Ars Nova
What a pity..
i really did love that band..
coz i started my muziq life with them..
but due to some pathetic problems
cause by that 'cool person'
sape nak gi layan sak..
but if FAN is still ard,
i'd love to drop by n surpport them..
it'll be cool

Freedom Percussion
You guys are like my 2nd family..
had a great time groovin with ya..
keep drummin aite..
both senior n junior..
'u can do it!'
so many ups n downs..
but no matter how many times i've ignored or..
how irritated i am with u guys..
still..i ya..
thankz for bein there..appreciate everything lotz...
i wanna study..
really bad
hope i'll get a school soon..
n yup,i'd love to groove more..
wanna learn more bout percussions..
maybe learn how to read muziq?
n i don wanna disappoint my love ones..
hope i'll do well in everything next year..
i hope ya guyz had a great 2007..
lets head on to 2008..
all the best..