It's my 1st baby brother's 10th birthday today..
yay ta ta poo!you're 10 years old ready..
oppsy!sorry muddin..
kakak cant go JB to celebrate your B'day with you..
but i'll surely make it up to u k gemok?
wahahahah :P

dari dulu forever with that Hip-Hop attitude..
My dearest 1st baby brother..
no matter how bad i bully you,
kakak loves you very much..
My wishes to you . . .
smoga Muhammad 'Azmuddin Bin Muhammad Ismail
sentiase sihat dan bahgia disamping org2 yang tersayang..
and i hope he wont ever suffer the same fate as me..
both my baby brothers deserve more then me n my elder brother.
sayang korg . . .=D