Deep Beneath Her Smile . . .

Thursday, May 7, 2009
Wedding Performance @ Tamp was cool.
had a good time with those I've never performed with..
was certainly a nice start.=)

After my performance,
since the rest have no plans what so ever,
i decided to help out my primary school friend with his Major Project.
he called me earlier for help..told me his deadline is on Monday morning.
So there i was..from 7pm till the next morning.

Even thou its like that long to get everything done,
i certainly had a good time helping him out.
with all the scathing and drawing and coloring..
Prasan jadi budak Lasalle for a moment there..
Ahakz..i loikeee..

Lagi pon..its not like always i get to spend time with him.
skali skale..ape salah nye kan? =)

Posted by Siti 'Aliah =) at 3:00 AM |