Ola Geng..
I feel so touched.
I'm ofcorz thankful for having the sweetest people around me
*Aww...Aliah sayang korg!*
This is ofcorz the best birthday ever!
Like i said earlier on,
i feel so touched coz i had everything there with me on My 19th!
Thats one of the things i've been hoping/asking/praying for all this while..
So yes. I cried.....Again!
3 years in a row..SShheeessshhhhh.
and had 3 different birthday cakes!!!
*Aliah Likes This!*
I feel so touched.
I'm ofcorz thankful for having the sweetest people around me
*Aww...Aliah sayang korg!*
This is ofcorz the best birthday ever!
Like i said earlier on,
i feel so touched coz i had everything there with me on My 19th!
Thats one of the things i've been hoping/asking/praying for all this while..
So yes. I cried.....Again!
3 years in a row..SShheeessshhhhh.
and had 3 different birthday cakes!!!
*Aliah Likes This!*