2..well actually a total of 3 performance on both my weekends.
Seriously i didnt get enough sleep. So tired...
But Oh well..
it was all worth it.
I'll do it for the love of Entertainment?!
alrighty...jgn mcm phm aliah..
here's some pictures!
21st Nov 09
Event: The Quest.
Location: Fort Cannin Hill
Organized by NEBO.
Nobody Enjoys Being Ordinary.=p
Event: The Quest.
Location: Fort Cannin Hill
Organized by NEBO.
Nobody Enjoys Being Ordinary.=p

22nd Nov 09
Event: Busking Session for SMART PiNOY.
Location: Along Orchard Road.

22nd Nov 09
Event: Os Batuque Fantastica!
Location: Suntec City, Fountain Of Wealth.
Organized by Bloco Singapura

22nd Nov 09
Event: Busking Session for SMART PiNOY.
Location: Along Orchard Road.

22nd Nov 09
Event: Os Batuque Fantastica!
Location: Suntec City, Fountain Of Wealth.
Organized by Bloco Singapura
