Deep Beneath Her Smile . . .

Friday, January 15, 2010
Went out with izzat and teddy today..
Met izzat first..since teddy was running late..
he surprised me with something sweet..nyeeeheeee

we then made our way to Marina Square.. got him free drinks..
*suker lah tue*
Finally we met teddy at Esplanade..

Btw! the play was awesome..

looking forward to more of 'Jiwo Jiro'
beda did proud of her..
love you Beda bomb =p

and to you Mohamad Izzat..

Thankz for the sweet surprise.. You So Mean!!!
people ask to take picture nice-nice..
you do that face..

Oh Well...
Love You Chubby Boi!
I had a good time today =)

Posted by Siti 'Aliah =) at 11:49 PM |