Deep Beneath Her Smile . . .

Sunday, December 27, 2009
Dear bloggie...
Things been really bad lately..
there's been so many changes this year alone..
but i guess the ultimate change is yet to be confirmed..
i can only know that after tomorrow..
Where Fate is leading me to? I have no idea...
don't even have a clue..
I'm only 19...and i didnt expect myself to be stuck in any of this..
not like this..facing other people's own problems.
they caused it to happen..not me..yet i'm the one facing it.
whether its fair or not?
who am i to judge thou i do feel that way..
i should not be complaining...should i?
i've been going through so much changes since i was 12..
i believe no one can ever understand how i feel..
even if a person were to imagine themselves being in my shoes..
will they really get it?
I'm so tired..i really am.
But then again..
with the help of all my beloved friends around me..
I guess its really ok to cry its not good to seal things deep down inside.
gotta think positive..gotta be prepared for the worst.
Let's just have some faith with what ever may come from tomorrow onwards..

Posted by Siti 'Aliah =) at 5:09 PM |