Deep Beneath Her Smile . . .

Thursday, December 10, 2009
You know what i think?!
I think i should have a new change in life.
i should just shove my feelings all to one side..
and just let loose..
Coz these are the things i see people keep doing nowadays..
they like don't care...just wanna have about what they want..
while i've been doing nothing but caring for others instead of my needs.
yar....maybe i should not tie myself that tight.
in fact..i should not care bout other people's feelings and what they think of me.
i should just go make new friends, explore more, do things my way.
Where and whenever i want to?
Coz im thinking..
i've been tied down for too long..
that i forgot exactly when to loosen up when i need it the most.
It's just weird on how people see the world differently from me.
I just can't see the world like you guys do..
i see it as a place where i can't trust and be comfortable with.
Coz i know and believe things will keep changing.
Oh well........

Posted by Siti 'Aliah =) at 6:17 AM |