Deep Beneath Her Smile . . .

Thursday, December 3, 2009
Right now,
i'm just not in the mood..
So people please.....SHUT UP!
Nah..Sorry! Please don't get me wrong.
Bukan nak buat perangai arh..
Nothing wrong here.
I just wanna shut myself down for awhile..

You know? that "need to be alone" kind of feeling?
coz all i can ever do right is just replace people..
Btw..MsQ tgh Kecoh or what?!
been workin full shift 2 days straight.
so many things to do n teach n even learn.
I'm so so shagged right now..
need a short break from work..
and seriously..i just cant wait for 2moro's rehearsals..
can just drum that tensions out.

Posted by Siti 'Aliah =) at 2:02 AM |