work was....Ermmm....Not Busy at all..
Boring in fact.
aliah wonder where all those filthy rich people gone too.
Hmm..saving for CNY 2010 maybe?nyeeheeee..
a dear friend of a friend drop by MsQ today!
She Actually Skipped School For Me?!
now aint that sweet?!
*Told you this stuff is going to my blog*
as usual..she got discounts off her meal..

look at happy!
Okay..sorry..i had to steal this old picture..
coz it was taken at my outlet..and it has you in it..
so yeah..
Aliah Suke Tgk Member Aliah Happy! =D
MoVing On~
Speaking of CNY 2010..
Hope i get to go visiting again..

wanna see my two handsome..ehemz...

HahaK! WhAT?
You don't think they're cute?
They are Okay!
Will update ya'll with the latest pictures of them k.
so..i guess that should be all for today..
Oh wait.Note to SomeOne =)
Dear Friend...
agak-agak...bile nak ade chit-chat eh?
lotz of stories to share...
but Oh Well...
masing-masing with own things.
i guess we can only stick to Bloggy for updates on Life huh?
Tapi takper~
Hope to catch up soon..ok Friend?~
And ofcorz...

i know stuff been happening and things aint shining.But hey..don't worry and hope you'd have a great week at work k.
See You This Weekend Love~<3